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Sunday 10 July 2011

Where Are You Placing Your Feather?

Success in life is great. Handling success in life is greater.
Are you quick to place the feather of success on the brim of your own cap? What about when things do not necessarily turn out as planned? Are you just as fast in raising that feather or do you reach across and pass the feather to someone else?
I am sure that you have encountered both types of people. Most people have. I find myself watching this dynamic right now in an organization that is close to me. The founder passes the feather to others when any level of success is achieved. He is quick to stick the feather in his own brim when things do not go so well.
Contrast the founder with his apprentice. His apprentice talks of how the organization is not about him yet his actions simply do not align with his words. Selfishness and greed bleed through the thin shell. He is quick to place the feather in his own cap when things go well. A game of hot potato ensues when things start to crumble.
In this situation, who is it that you find yourself drawn to? Who is the real leader?
Real leaders absorb all criticisms and deflect all praise. Real leaders naturally radiate a field of attraction that draws people in. It is natural and not forced. It just happens. This describes the founder that I am observing.
Other leaders love to believe that they have that natural aura. Most are quick to talk about how they pass the feather to others when success comes to fruition. Few actually do. The result is a diminished following and even those that do follow are not filled with the energy, passion, and "I'll do anything for him" mentality.
If you are leading anything, this is an important question that needs to be given consideration. Where do you place your feather?
Dr Bradley W. Semp is the world's leading authority on creating and leveraging Human-Centric Systems to propel businesses in the 21st century. Brad and his team help mission-driven businesses to find FREEDOM and CASHFLOW to do what they love to do through the development of systems that facilitate fanatical customer movements and devoted team members.

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