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Sunday 10 July 2011

Out With the Old, In With the New: Socially Influencing in 2011

As a new year approaches I tend to look back on all the discoveries and trends of the ending year. I reminisce on the trends in fashion, music, politics and technology. (Oh and who can forget the ever so changing, and sometimes "artsy", Lady Gaga.) Technology itself never ceases to amaze me, but this year's new products were the talk of the town. With the release of the iPhone 4 and the iPad, Apple was the "IT" company of the year (and last year, and possibly even the year prior to that). Along with Apple, Droid and HTC began dominating Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile users. As a Droid owner myself, I can definitely vouch for its success. But of course, I think we can all agree that the biggest changes and trends of 2010 can be found in social media.
Social media BLEW up this year and is continuing to do so. With the premiere of the movie "The Social Network" (film about the founding and rise of Facebook) it became evident  to everyone exactly how popular social media had become. Facebook has more active users than it has ever had before (a whopping 500 million!) and its frequency use is astounding. People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. (Billions, not millions.) What is even crazier is that of the 500 million users, more than 200 million access it through their phones. With that also comes Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube which are all sites that have allowed individuals to brand themselves, among everything else it provides.
More businesses have now begun using these sites, or even "branding services" as a way to influencer consumer behavior. You can search any company's name on Facebook and I can almost guarantee they will have a page.  Social media really has changed the world we live in and if there is one thing I will remember about 2010 it is that I couldn't imagine the year, or society, without it.

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