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Sunday, 10 July 2011

Use a Rap Artist to Ghost Write Your Rap Song

I have found out that there is a way to explore your desires to be a rapper. Using a ghost writer to pen a hit song is a sure fire way to assure that you will be respected as an artist. A lot of rap artist use ghost writers to write the songs that they put out and it is common in the music business. If you are looking for someone to assist you in the making of your rap song then look into ghost writers. A lot of artist have the talent of performing, but are not that good at the art of writing lyrics.
Usually a writer will sell the lyrics for a set price as a work for hire or will be willing to accept only the publishing rights by maintaining the copyrights of that song. There is also the opportunity to split the publishing with the ghost writer. I can tell you that by using a ghost writer your chances of getting your song published and heard by music industry executives will increase. You can also collaborate with writers to insure that your ideas are implemented in the song.
If you are a good writer yourself, but you're not that good at writing hooks or a chorus then you can hire a writer to pen you a great hook for your song. The cost of using writers to write your song will vary, but most of the time you will be able to work out a deal with the writer so don't let the cost discourage you.

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