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Sunday 10 July 2011

Things to Do This New Year to Make You a Better Person

With Christmas feeling like it was a life time ago already it's time to start looking forward to the future and establishing how we're going to improve ourselves in the new year of 2011. There are many simple and easy ways to improve our health, mind set and how we look after the planet. I've written this article to help inform you of a few simple things you can do to help the planet. I hope you find the following article informative and useful.
We all from time to time eat an unhealthy diet so it's fundamental to constantly think about what we should be eating. Don't forget that eating some unhealthy foods isn't a bad thing you've just got to eat them in moderation. Ordering your food online or organising what you'll eat throughout the week will enable you to eat healthier and not eat so many bad products.
Have you considered how much you should be drinking? The majority of people do not drink enough throughout the day but this can seriously damage your body. You'll often not appreciate how much it's damaged your body until your old and by which point it's too late. I'd recommend measuring out the water you need to drink at the start of the day and make sure you drink it.
If you wish to help the environment have you consider getting cash for mobiles with mobile phone recycling? Recycling will enable you to get cash for mobile phones which helps your bank balance and help you to save the environment.

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