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Sunday 10 July 2011

The Logistics of Holding a Revival

The church my friend has been attending decided that they were going to have an old time tent revival. I do not share their religious views, but the thought of a tent revival sounded interesting, so I told him that I would help out with the planning, since I have planned a lot of events in the past. I really did not think it would be that big of a deal, since it is a small church in a small community, and so I guessed that they would be able to hold it at a local park and that there would only be about twenty or thirty people there. When I met him at his church, I found out something very different. While small, their church belonged to a network of similar churches in the surrounding communities, and after contacting them, the estimated attendance would be close to a thousand people.
I helped them found a suitable park in town, and then we found a large tent and chairs to accommodate about eight hundred people. The next big issue was the facilities, and we found a great company to supply portable toilets. We asked them how many we should rent for a two day affair for about a thousand people and found the pricing to be agreeable. Finally we arranged for concessions for the youth group to man, calling their little enterprise "Fish and Loaves." We had all of the logistics met, and began to produce the fliers and handouts that the pastors wanted to use. All in all, it turned out to be a great success.

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