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Sunday 10 July 2011

The Important Things to Know About Pilot Season in Los Angeles

Pilot season in Los Angeles is the time when networks start working on the new television series that they are pitching for the fall. At this time casting calls go out and actors have a great chance of getting a job on a pilot which could end up being picked up by a network. Many stars got their start on a television series and this is an amazing opportunity for actors.
Pilot season is between January and April. Actors from all over flock to LA to try their hand at getting cast in one of the new shows. New television series have launched the careers of many actors, such as Jennifer Aniston, George Clooney and Robin Williams. They all had parts in television and now are all big Hollywood movie stars.
If you are an actor looking to make it big, then you should consider heading to LA for pilot season. You don't have to live in LA all the time to take advantage of this time. You can come to LA only for pilot season and leave once it is over or - if you are lucky - you will get a part and end up relocating here. However, before you give up everything and rush to LA, there are some things you should be aware of when it comes to pilot season.
There is a lot of competition during this time of year. You will be spending a lot of time waiting to get face time with those who make the decisions. Even if you do get to actually meet a casting director, you probably will only have a couple minutes to showcase your talents. You have to be prepared and be at your best. You have one shot and if you don't do well then you may leave broken-hearted.
You may not get the chance to just walk in off the street to try out for a part. You may need an agent. You may have to attend events and try to get asked to try out. You may even need to have name recognition amongst the producers and directors. This means a lot of work beforehand getting prepared. Don't just show up in LA without having a plan, an agent or a resume if you want the best chance at success.
You should come to pilot season ready. Find an agent well in advance and start setting up appointments before pilot season. Get your head shots done and have them in a professional portfolio. Find out any information you can about auditions before going so you know what they are looking for and are ready to provide it.
Pilot season is crazy. There is no doubt about that. You will be facing crowds of people who are trying out for the same parts that you want. You have to be ready. Start in August to get prepared. Go into pilot season with confidence. Think about all the possibilities. What happens during this time could shape your career. You could land a part in a series that goes on to become popular and launch an amazing career.

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