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Sunday 10 July 2011

How You Can Use Funny Stickers To Get People Inside Your Business

As a small business owner competing against big chain businesses in your hometown, you are always looking for new ways to get more people in your doors. You have paid someone to stand outside of your business with a sign, you've paid that same person to stand out on the corner in a costume with a sign, and you've forked over a ton of cash to television stations, only to see your commercial air once or twice. You've even done a radio spot to get the word out there. Over the past few weeks, you've spent a lot of time wondering if these are the only ways to advertise. We're here to tell you that there are other ways to advertise your business! Best of all, there are less expensive ways to advertise your business. One of those ways just so happens to be using stickers...
What do stickers have to do with your business? Stickers are customizable. They can be funny stickers, they can be serious stickers, or they can be stickers with your business' name and contact information on them. When treated like a mini-billboard, these pieces of paper with sticky backing can really let people know that your business is the best business for the job.
The first way in which you can use stickers to promote your business is to put them on your vehicle. Think of all the places where you drive. You drive to the grocery store, you drive to the bank, you take your kids to practice, and you even drive your car if you go out of town on vacation. Let's say that you own a nail boutique. What if the person behind you in traffic is new to your area and has been looking for a place to get a manicure? When she sees your business' name, logo, phone number, address, and URL, she won't have any choice but you give you a call!
Your sticker doesn't have to just have that basic information on it. We can't think of a single person who doesn't love to laugh, especially when they're stuck in an awful traffic jam. Nothing induces the giggles during a traffic jam like seeing funny stickers on someone's car. If your business has a humorous logo or a funny slogan, feel free to put that on your sticker. Coupled with colorful text, people all over the roadways will notice your business.
Are you looking for other ways to use stickers to promote your business? Have you ever thought about getting business cards for your employees? Business cards can be expensive but not when they are in sticker form. While you're at it, you might as well get some sticker business cards for yourself too. Put your name, your business' name, address, contact information, and URL, and just start handing them out. Stickers will be much easier for people to keep up with than regular business cards because they'll be sticking them on things.
We're not done using stickers to market your business just yet. You can hand these stickers out at other places too. Personalize them with all the information from the business card sticker and just start handing them out at community events. There are sure to be festivals, carnivals, and other events like that in your hometown. If you have a booth set up at an event like that, there's no reason you can't give those stickers out with your product. You can give them out in your store, as well. People love knowing they're getting something for free, even it if is just a sticker.

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