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Sunday 10 July 2011

Getting Dressed Up For a Night Out

In the USA, the legal drinking age is 21 years of age. This is higher than most other Western countries, however the fact that the minimum age is 21, means that their will be a lower level of alcohol abuse by irresponsible teens.
This legality prevents young people from going out to a bar or club, you have to wait till you are 21 years old, otherwise they will not let you inside. Therefore many people anticipate their 21st birthday, as this will be their first opportunity to go dancing and have fun with their friends as adults. Going out to a bar or to dance is an occasion that calls for dressing up.
The ordinary sweater and jeans just won't cut it. You want to cast off your work clothes and get all fancy for your night out. You want to find some real nice clubwear. You want to look good. You want to catch people's eye, you want the men to come over and dance with you. So you need to be well dressed, and looking special on your night out.
If it is your first time going out, you will need to go out and buy some new clothes for that special occasion. You need to shop for some really nice clubwear. Most malls will have stores that cater to a hot, chic, girl-out-on-the-town look. You need to pick out something that is flashy and in style. It is worth checking out your girlfriends closets to see what they have. You will get a better idea of what you want to be shopping for.
There are many different styles that are good for clubbing, and there is no hard and fast rule on what to wear. A nice sleek dress is definitely worth trying on. Or you can go for some nice fitted jeans. Make sure the color is rich, like a royal blue, black or red. You will also need to be wearing jewelry and makeup.
Spend a good amount of time in front of the mirror, trying different outfits and dresses with your various colors of makeup. I always prefer a dark color of eyeliner, usually black or brown, no matter what color clothes I am wearing. However a lot of my friends will wear eye makeup that matches their dresses.
Your perfume is also important as you don't want to be wearing the same one that you wear to work. In your local department store they should be able to assist you find a perfume with a good scent, that is perfect for going dancing.
One last thing that could be neglected, but is so important, I urge you to not learn this out the hard way. Never leave your house without a healthy dose of deodorant. When you are dancing the night away, very close to a lot of other people, you will be sweating, and you certainly don't want to turn off the person you are dancing with. So turning 21 really is a big deal, and is sure to be very exciting.

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