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Friday 3 June 2011

On The Look Out For Hot New Soul Divas!

There have been many 'new big things' promised in the world of pop and soul, but few really live up to the old classic divas, the ones who used to rule the smoky clubs of New Orleans and used their dusky voice and powerful personalities to create a name for themselves in immortality. There are too many to mention here, but if you are into soul, then you will already have a favourite.
Cast your mind back to the first time that you heard that soul or rock singer who really captured your ear; the needle hit the groove and the band began to play, with the delicate croon of bluesy soul riding over the music beneath. Wouldn't it be great if we had them now, rather than the terrible pop stars that are force fed into our daily diet of music through the radio and TV?
What seems to be lacking in today's music scene are true originals, singers that channel the spirits of their heroines in their singing and songwriting style. However, they are out there; you just have to search for them. If you trawl MySpace and Facebook music pages, then you are sure to stumble upon true talents who are constantly uploading their songs for the world to hear.
There's no doubt that the singers are out there, it just means that you have to look a little harder for them; unfortunately it doesn't require drinking down at the blues bars in New Orleans and waiting for a gorgeous singer to take the stage. Now you have to sit at you computer and wait for the next big thing to come through your stereo speakers...you can still make it fun and imagine that you were there in the heart of it though!
So tonight, or whenever it is that you have a free couple of hours, browse through the internet and see what today's soul divas are up to. You may actually be surprised at what you discover and even find a new favourite for your online record collection. It may not sound as fun as stepping into a smoky bar, but what with the smoking ban, most of the blues bars have lost that character anyway! We can all discover our new favourite singer and then, with enough support, get them to play in our local concert hall to relive the old days!
Give it a go today and let's all discover the next true diva!

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