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Sunday 5 June 2011

Is It Easy to Learn to Play the Guitar?

This sounds like an easy question, does it not? Maybe it is or maybe it is not. To illustrate the point, let me ask the question in a different way. Is it hard to learn to play the guitar? Can you guess what the answer is. Yes, you are right. Maybe it is and maybe it is not.
The answer to the question lies in the way the question is asked. The first question is asked in with a positive slant - using the word easy, whereas the second question has a negative slant - using the word hard.
In my opinion, the person who has the positive attitude to playing the guitar will make much faster progress in learning the instrument than the one with the more negative attitude. It goes back to the old question - Is the glass half full or is it half empty?
Successfully learning how to play guitar is within the grasp of most people, yet many beginners give up too quickly. Frequently, quitting beginners will blame their lack of time to practice and that playing hurts their fingers. The problem is that they just don't practice enough. The internet has hundreds of web sites that even offer free lessons, most of which are very well designed and can certainly be applied to your practice routine.
Learning to play any instrument can be frustrating, but it is generally well worth the effort to persevere. People who play well make it look so easy and effortless, but you can be assured that they were not born with the ability to play that instrument. It takes hard work to get that way. Many will probably say that it was not work at all, but simply lots of practice.
This returns me to my previous question of whether it is easy or hard to learn how to play the guitar. A positive attitude and plenty of practice, even though your fingers are sore will go a long way to playing the guitar. The sore fingers will quickly get better and you will not even notice that aspect of playing in a sort while. There are so many resources on the internet and elsewhere to help you learn to play the guitar. Speak to people who already play and you will find that most of them will be very enthusiastic about helping you to play.
Go on. Take the plunge. Learn to play the guitar. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain

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